Umbrella with clouds and rain

What is Rational Emotive Behaviour Therapy (REBT)?

People are disturbed, not by things, but by the views which they take of things. Epictetus

Change starts here...

Take the first step, get in contact and see if REBT is right for you.

Looking back to look forward

Yes, the quote above is 2000 years old, but so are many things we rely on today; wheels, vending machines, flamethrowers (no, really!)…

In the 1950s, Albert Ellis took this principle and developed it into REBT, the pioneering form of cognitive behavioural therapy used today by the NHS and endorsed by the National Institute for Health and Care Excellence.

"By developing a more flexible and realistic view, we pave the way for emotional freedom."

Core principles

REBT is rooted in the principal that most of us have goals that we want to achieve and that we wish to be happy and content individuals. These don’t have to be “sing with Beyoncé/play in the Premier League” goals, but day-to-day things; “build a relationship with my dad/do better at work” goals. However, all too often, the view we take of a situation – our belief about it – can be irrational, absolute and actually prevents us from achieving it. By developing a more flexible and realistic view, we pave the way for emotional freedom and a better understanding of ourselves and how we navigate life’s challenges.

"If you’re ready for change, there’s no reason why it won’t be effective for you."

Will it work for me?

Like any effective therapy, a good relationship between client and therapist is paramount. My open and non-judgemental approach, coupled with your honesty and desire to move on, will be key in making progress. What’s great about REBT is that it can be applied to a range of emotional issues and has a clear and progressive structure. If you’re ready for change, there’s no reason why it won’t be effective for you.